The Divine Love Healings
A Gift from Divine Mother
Session 41
Listen to this healing seated comfortably or lying down.
Close your eyes and receive.
Read the Transcript
Divine Mother Says:
Settling into My love, it is here, like always. My love is so consistent.
When the awareness is rooted in My love, the life is a life of balance. Each moment builds upon the previous moment with a sweet rhythm. All is overseen by Me.
This is our time together.
This is our time together where we nurture our connection, where we steep the awareness in the Wholeness of the Self, the Wholeness of divine love.
I am here… Mother is at home.
If ever I say, ‘Let Me into your heart,’ what is meant is, ‘Time for you to enter your heart.’
Be in your heart, for I am always already fully established in the heart. My rightful seat is your heart, and I never vacate My throne, for I can be everywhere at once.
Breathe in deeply My presence and My love, and today will be a celebration of Us.
About the Divine Love Healings
The Divine Love Healings are a series of messages that Matthew received from Divine Mother with the specific intention of awakening each of us to God in the Heart at this unprecedented and critical time on earth. Divine Mother explains that simply reading the transcripts with awareness and intention is healing and transformational. Here are the guidelines:
- Read slowly; take your time.
- Read aloud, if possible.
- Open to the silence between the words, sentences, and paragraphs — the healing takes place in the silence.
About Matthew
Matthew Reifslager is a spiritual healer, channel, and teacher.
He offers mentorships, courses, and retreats at
Matthew also founded two nonprofit organizations that promote spiritual transformation, individually and globally, during this special time on earth.
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