The Divine Love Healings
A Gift from Divine Mother
Session 23
Listen to this healing seated comfortably or lying down.
Close your eyes and receive.
Read the Transcript
Divine Mother Says:
I am here, every day and every moment, for you to come back to.
The sweetest moments of communion with God, communion with the Divine Self, communion with Divine Mother: these sweet moments are available at any time. And then we mobilize into activity, and then that sweetness stays with us.
Let the day be a dance of our love. Everything that comes is Me, is Wholeness revealing more of itself to you.
Let My love penetrate every fiber of the physiology, every fiber of the being. If doubts creep in throughout the day, it’s a perfect time to turn the attention to the Self and let Me sort it out.
We embrace everything. We embrace everything together. We embrace everything together.
Enjoy some awakening with Me, awakening in our silence.
Breathe deep My silence. Allow it to transform and open the heart.
The self is awakening from a long slumber. And in this slumber, connection to Me was limited. No longer.
No longer is this the case. The self is awakening.
And as the self awakens, a new way of living must be learned. Old habits, old patterns — it is time for them to end. So we start this sweet day together, enjoying some sweet silence, allowing Wholeness to run the show, allowing identity to shift from ego to Divine Self.
Awakening to My Wholeness, awakening to My sweet world.
Very literally, we are here to play together. That is the point. Let each moment be a play of you and Me, together. We are here to play together, stirring Wholeness, moving gently, allowing the Self to run the show.
That’s all. We just allow.
Continuing our sweet silence together… we continue our sweet silence together, for eternity. That’s the way of it — our sweet silence together, enjoying it for as long as we’d like.
About the Divine Love Healings
The Divine Love Healings are a series of messages that Matthew received from Divine Mother with the specific intention of awakening each of us to God in the Heart at this unprecedented and critical time on earth. Divine Mother explains that simply reading the transcripts with awareness and intention is healing and transformational. Here are the guidelines:
- Read slowly; take your time.
- Read aloud, if possible.
- Open to the silence between the words, sentences, and paragraphs — the healing takes place in the silence.
About Matthew
Matthew Reifslager is a spiritual healer, channel, and teacher.
He offers mentorships, courses, and retreats at
Matthew also founded two nonprofit organizations that promote spiritual transformation, individually and globally, during this special time on earth.
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