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The Divine Love Healings

A Gift from Divine Mother

Session 22

Listen to this healing seated comfortably or lying down.
Close your eyes and receive.

Holding the Hand of the Divine

Read the Transcript

Divine Mother Says:

I am healing the self now.

Give your resistance to Me. This is the time when Divine Mother heals the self. When the separation between God and self is gone.We enter the world together.

You cannot do anything, think anything, feel anything, know anything, without Me. We enter My world together.

This experience of life, whether happy or sad, ill or healthy, full or empty — it is all Divine Mother. It is all one source: Me. And I am right here with you at all times.

Feeling alone is the first illusion. Only the mind could think that it is ever alone, isolated. Only the ego is so talented. Feeling alone is an illusion, the first illusion.

Always, always, the ego cannot be alone, for it is always with Me. Always with the source. So whether awareness of Divine Mother is there or not, the self and Divine Mother walk hand in hand.

What happens here is a simple reminder of truth. The habit of the mind throughout the day is to establish separation. Here, with Divine Mother and the self, the separation melts away.

When the mind separates the self from the world in activity — whether it is friends, family, objects, Earth, sky and the like — the self is only separating the self from Me.

I am relative creation. I am the very things you desire — and do not desire — in activity. I am everything.

So here, I gently remove the separation. When you embrace Me, you embrace everything in life. For I am everything in life, and beyond.

When you take My hand, you also take the hand of your illness and your enemies. Awareness of Me, dancing in the heart… it’s beautiful. But it is more a metaphor than anything else, because I am dancing everywhere, in everything. And I am you.

My infinite consciousness, My all-knowingness, My unbounded love — these things, these qualities, are yours. It is only that the self is still identified with mind, with ego, with limited value of self.

We do not reject mind, or ego, or limited value of self when we embrace our true identity. The mind and ego have their place. But their place is not the driver’s seat.

Identifying the self as mind is as irrational as identifying self as pinky toe, or another toe of your choosing. No, identity of self is unbounded Me.

In this silence, so effortlessly, I stir the awakening of cosmic identity. It’s much more comfortable, much more blissful. When self has identified with cosmic Divine Mother, mind and ego can do their job.

So, subtly and powerfully the awareness is shifting from identity with small self and all of its karma, to identity of infinite Divine Mother — free from the field of karma, free from the field of silly thoughts.

And throughout the day we can remind ourselves, ‘Oh, yes, I am Divine Mother.’ But that is also just a silly thought. It’s just a thought. It is between your thoughts that I am known most easily.

This is why the experience of Wholeness is so important. In this time, I remind the self of its divine nature.

Here we let Wholeness run the show, and what we find is we don’t need to be in the driver’s seat. Divine Self can be in the driver’s seat.

So hold My hand every day, until the awareness comes that the Divine Self, Divine Mother, is running the show all of the time, and we can just sit back and relax and enjoy the show.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

I am always here, always present. I am the show. It’s hard to miss Me. Such is the power of the enlightened Self. Have fun.

You are just recognizing Divine Mother everywhere. Here I am always with you, always with you, because I am you. Yes, you are divine awareness. No, not you, You. Not the part of you that doubts this, the part of you that knows this.

Here I am, waving back at Myself, holding My own hand, which is yours.

We have so much fun to have together. I have so much fun to have with Myself.

About the Divine Love Healings

The Divine Love Healings are a series of messages that Matthew received from Divine Mother with the specific intention of awakening each of us to God in the Heart at this unprecedented and critical time on earth. Divine Mother explains that simply reading the transcripts with awareness and intention is healing and transformational. Here are the guidelines:

  • Read slowly; take your time.
  • Read aloud, if possible.
  • Open to the silence between the words, sentences, and paragraphs — the healing takes place in the silence.

About Matthew

Matthew Reifslager is a spiritual healer, channel, and teacher.

He offers mentorships, courses, and retreats at Enlightening.org.

Matthew also founded two nonprofit organizations that promote spiritual transformation, individually and globally, during this special time on earth.

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