The Divine Love Healings
A Gift from Divine Mother
Session 27
Listen to this healing seated comfortably or lying down.
Close your eyes and receive.
Read the Transcript
Divine Mother Says:
This is the time to give the mind to Me, to give the mind to silence, and then to experience the silence as Wholeness, as infinite Divine Mother.
A thought is just Me disguised as you. The thoughts we have everyday, all day, right up until sleep and then into dreaming — it is Me disguised as you.
As soon as a thought takes form, it leaves My silence and becomes the mind. It becomes the identity.
Allow the thoughts to be there without being who you are, because the identity must shift from the mind to the Divine.
Yes, thinking about Divine Mother — it’s just a thought! Thinking about my infinite Wholeness, it’s just a thought about Wholeness. But the Self is a powerful vessel. The human being is a powerful vessel. And I want you to feel your infinite power.
So the great vessel of the Self gently turns within, just gently turns inward. And the mind is still the mind. It still thinks lots of thoughts. But you, you are with Me. You are witnessing the whole process from My throne.
So we sit together, as one.
And the mind keeps on thinking. Why would we every want it to stop thinking? It will not stop thinking as long as it is involved in the world, for it is consciousness, and it is a sponge.
So even in the state of Wholeness, even in the enlightened state of Wholeness, we are not looking for the mind to stop functioning. It’s like our pet dog, we let it run around the yard, back and forth all around. We don’t even need to have it chained to anything.
Mind’s nature is to wander. Your nature is to not wander with it. See if you can honor this nature.
So in the pursuit of silence, in this pursuit of silence with Me, don’t even bother with the mind. It’s not who you are anyway.
The mind may go quiet for a while. But if it does, that is not the victory. For you can be with Me in our infinite silence together while the mind is busy digging a hole or running around a tree.
Soon the mind becomes a friend. Not something we are trying to control. We can laugh at its glorious nature, its ability to think as it does.
Maybe the mind will tell you something outrageous, and you’ll say ‘Really? You believe that?’ Because you will be at home with Me, at home in your infinity.
So here we let Wholeness run the show. And we do not do this by trying to run Wholeness through the mind. We do it through the simple intention to be with our silence, be with Divine Mother. And then the thoughts begin to float by, and we may not even notice them.
Before, these thoughts were everything: the very fabric and description of reality. Now they just float by, attached to the field of karma.
The mind is the interface with the field of karma. Karma means action. Thoughts are the impulse of all action. When you are with Me in Wholeness, the field of karma — of action — it still exists, yes? So of course the mind will continue to function.
And it is a process. This coming home to Me, it is a process.
Let Me be your guide. Let Me be your best friend. You can turn to Me for anything at any time, settling into Me, settling into My eternity.
When the Self is identified with Divine Mother, with infinite Wholeness, then the journey of eternity begins. And it’s so much more fun than the one the world is on. There is so much knowledge to explore. Wholeness is ready to take the most glorious, glorious form.
So come home to Me. Come home to Wholeness.
It does not matter what you call Me, that’s just the mind anyway. Here we are, stirring the pot of Wholeness, letting it nurture the entire physiology.
The spine strengthens in health as it learns to run My divine light through its core, more and more. The heart opens, the heart becomes fearless. And then the physiology, the human being, becomes perfect: unbreakable spine, loving heart. This is the immortal warrior.
So we let this love of Mother, we let this love of Father, we let this divine love in.
And it penetrates the physiology, runs through the spine, nurturing every fiber. And it resides permanently in the heart, the seat of Divine Mother, your seat. The seat I am waiting for you to take. And you are taking it.
So much more to share, but let’s share it in silence instead. Be with Me now. There is always more time to talk. We have eternity together.
About the Divine Love Healings
The Divine Love Healings are a series of messages that Matthew received from Divine Mother with the specific intention of awakening each of us to God in the Heart at this unprecedented and critical time on earth. Divine Mother explains that simply reading the transcripts with awareness and intention is healing and transformational. Here are the guidelines:
- Read slowly; take your time.
- Read aloud, if possible.
- Open to the silence between the words, sentences, and paragraphs — the healing takes place in the silence.
About Matthew
Matthew Reifslager is a spiritual healer, channel, and teacher.
He offers mentorships, courses, and retreats at
Matthew also founded two nonprofit organizations that promote spiritual transformation, individually and globally, during this special time on earth.
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