The Divine Love Healings
A Gift from Divine Mother
Session 24
Listen to this healing seated comfortably or lying down.
Close your eyes and receive.
Read the Transcript
Divine Mother Says:
Every day the attention is turned inward. And every day, without fail, I am here.
We could be standing next to a great waterfall, and the mist from this waterfall could be penetrating everywhere. But if there is no awareness of the waterfall, there may as well be no waterfall.
The waterfall may shake the ground. It may be deafening. But if there is no awareness of the waterfall, there may as well be no waterfall. Such is the power of our reality, what we perceive in the self.
I am here, like the waterfall, always running strong. I cover you in My mist, in My blessing.
The sound of Me, the deafening sound of Me, is the loudest in existence. For it is existence. But if the awareness is not aware of the waterfall, there may as well be no waterfall. So we turn the awareness inward, in order to discover the waterfall.
Every day, the awareness is often caught up in the events of the mind. And the cosmic nature of things, the Divine Nature of things — it is missed.
So settle into My love. My love is your love. And it is right here, always.
Sometimes it may be a challenge to access this love, in a tense moment. So we take the time every day to stir the pot of Wholeness, stir the love inside, so that it cannot be overshadowed.
When the experience of Wholeness is had, when the experience of union with Divine Mother — union with the Divine Self — is had, it is not that I came to you at that time. I was already here.
At every moment, you have the capacity to be in Wholeness, to have the companionship of the Divine.
So we take the time every day to awaken to this clarity. And awakening to this clarity has many side effects, including stimulation of the body, greater health for the physiology.
In the silence we take every day together, you are more anchored in your divine identity. More and more the quality of experience begins to change.
We go about the day, and everything that comes we understand that Divine Mother has brought. The pain in the physiology, I take responsibility for. Even the sticky nature of thoughts, the addictive nature of ego, I take responsibility for.
For it is My creation. From top to bottom and everything in between, this is My glorious creation.
And established in My Wholeness, the experience of My creation is perfect — waves of love everywhere. Waves of love everywhere.
Enter activity with Me, and the activity becomes a game. It is just Divine Mother, and Divine Mother, and Divine Mother, playing together. Subject and object, they are the same. The boundaries of the mind are broken. And when the boundaries of the mind are broken, the capacity to suffer ends. It’s just Me, it’s just you. And it is all Wholeness, unity awareness.
The purpose of these words is to cultivate divine awareness. For although in the evolution of the human being, many gifts and powers can be gained — and it is good to gain them — the infinite experience of love is known in divine awareness.
In the daily flow of life, sometimes I am known as a companion, as a friend, as a force separate from the self. But in this awakening, divine awareness emerges.
It’s silly to doubt our enlightenment. All it takes is a small shift in perspective, a tiny shift in experience. You are already born. You have all of the tools of perception. You have God dancing in the heart. It’s not that much of a stretch to shift the perspective a little.
Unity Consciousness — the fundamental awareness of the unity of all things — and I make it easy for you. Instead of unity with infinite number of objects, let there simply be unity between you and Me, for I am the infinite creation.
The greatest obstacle to your enlightenment is the doubt that it cannot happen now. Of course it can happen now. It is happening now.
We become aware of the waterfall, and awareness of the waterfall changes everything.
We awaken to divinity right here, right now.
About the Divine Love Healings
The Divine Love Healings are a series of messages that Matthew received from Divine Mother with the specific intention of awakening each of us to God in the Heart at this unprecedented and critical time on earth. Divine Mother explains that simply reading the transcripts with awareness and intention is healing and transformational. Here are the guidelines:
- Read slowly; take your time.
- Read aloud, if possible.
- Open to the silence between the words, sentences, and paragraphs — the healing takes place in the silence.
About Matthew
Matthew Reifslager is a spiritual healer, channel, and teacher.
He offers mentorships, courses, and retreats at
Matthew also founded two nonprofit organizations that promote spiritual transformation, individually and globally, during this special time on earth.
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