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The Divine Love Healings

A Gift from Divine Mother

Session 13

Listen to this healing seated comfortably or lying down.
Close your eyes and receive.

Breathe It All In

Read the Transcript

Divine Mother Says:

This is the time when we embrace exactly how we are feeling. Whatever sensations there are in the body, or in the life, we embrace them.

If embracing it alone is too much, embrace it with Me. We can embrace everything together. Before we can embrace what happens in the life, we start by embracing the self, perceived warts and all, exactly how it is.

I am the Creator. This means, I have created this moment for you. This moment is my gift to you.

You are the Creator. This moment is your gift to the Self.

I am not selective. I do not embrace one thing, and reject another thing. I do not embrace one part of something, and reject the rest. I breathe it all in.

What does Wholeness do? Wholeness embraces. If Wholeness does not embrace, it is no longer Wholeness. So when we let Wholeness run the show, we embrace everything. We are not selective. And when we embrace everything, there is nothing to fear.

Suffering is not the enemy. Suffering simply indicates that we have more embracing to do.

When you embrace everything, you embrace more and more of Mother Divine. More importantly, you embrace more and more of the Self.

There is nothing worthy of rejection. The heart embraces… the heart embraces… the heart embraces.

So we start with the physiology. It’s a good place to start because we know it extends the full spectrum of creation: from the densest, the most structured, to the least dense, the least structured.

We start with the physiology, and we breathe it all in.

Whatever is there in the physiology, we breathe it all in. This is what Wholeness does. It embraces the self, unconditionally. It embraces the self, unconditionally. The physiology is a gift, perfect in this moment, and we breathe it all in.

I am your physiology. And I am the energy it uses to function. It’s a very beautiful thing, when you realize you have everything you need, right now.

It’s a very beautiful thing when you realize you are Mother Divine, nothing less than Wholeness.

Settle into our love — My love — which is your love. Love reveals itself when we embrace.

So settle into My love now, for there is always more. Always more.

And be in this love all of today, all of tomorrow, all of eternity. You have no choice, anyway. The choice is to embrace it or not. So of course we choose to embrace it. ‘It’ means all things, whatever is there presenting itself to be embraced.

I bow into you, as you. When I bow to you, I am simply the Self, bowing to the self.

It’s a good day to spend together.

Let’s enjoy our time together. The self is never alone.

So, we’re open to Wholeness running the show. We’re open to the day being perfect, today being perfect.

The day is perfect, just as it is.

Today, and what it brings, is exactly as I have designed it. Tomorrow, and what it brings, is exactly as I have designed it. So instead of resisting it, we embrace it.

The Self has designed today, and tomorrow, and we can trust the Divine Self to bring exactly what is needed at every moment.

So breathe Me into the physiology. Breathing your Wholeness deep into the physiology, letting our love nurture each corner, each small spot of resistance, until there is no resistance left.

It is only Wholeness moving through the physiology, running the show. It’s so much easier this way, and so easy to do. But we take this time to turn the controls over to the Divine, and let the Divine run the show.

So breathe deeply. What you breathe in is Me, is Wholeness, is acceptance.

We start with some reminder of our Wholeness every day, because it is so easy to forget our own divinity. So, we start the day by breathing in our own divinity.

The physiology stretches well beyond the physical boundaries that the senses perceive. The senses are for the physical dimension. And it is time for the awareness to awaken to the greatness and vastness of the physiology — beyond what is seen, beyond what is even felt.

Allow Me to organize your entire day. Allow Me to bring everything that is needed today. I promise I will.

About the Divine Love Healings

The Divine Love Healings are a series of messages that Matthew received from Divine Mother with the specific intention of awakening each of us to God in the Heart at this unprecedented and critical time on earth. Divine Mother explains that simply reading the transcripts with awareness and intention is healing and transformational. Here are the guidelines:

  • Read slowly; take your time.
  • Read aloud, if possible.
  • Open to the silence between the words, sentences, and paragraphs — the healing takes place in the silence.

About Matthew

Matthew Reifslager is a spiritual healer, channel, and teacher.

He offers mentorships, courses, and retreats at Enlightening.org.

Matthew also founded two nonprofit organizations that promote spiritual transformation, individually and globally, during this special time on earth.

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